Active Learning
A student-centered classroom approach that engages learners by having them do things and by thinking about what they are doing.
Average increase in exam scores by students in active learning environments
Empowering Faculty to Activate Students’ Learning
Students enhance their higher-level thinking capabilities when they learn through debate, small group discussion, problem solving games, and other active learning methods. Research proves that achievement levels rise when learners work on a problem and think about the purpose behind that work. Evidence also shows that lecturing maintains a place on the pedagogical spectrum. The challenge becomes, then, when and how can active learning best be leveraged to support student success.
The wide range of learning spaces across Penn State creates unique circumstances for implementing active learning strategies. To meet that challenge and support our faculty, we have developed a suite of active learning resources. These include a two-hour workshop on Active Learning Basics, instructional case studies, cohort-based Faculty Learning Communities and peer activities, and an Active Learning Institute.
Talk with Us
Have a great idea? Get in touch with us! We can help you identify the right technologies to meet your pedagogical needs, or develop something completely new.
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