Digital Literacy Acquisition
Elysa Stern Cahoy
Education and Behavioral Science Librarian
University Libraries
Assistant Director, Pennsylvania Center for the Book

Ellysa’s fellowship was an in-depth exploration of digital literacy acquisition that led to various instructional strategies and seminars to assist students in developing digital literacy competencies. This Fellowship was able to further enhance the role the library resources play in crafting academically rigorous multimedia projects. This fellowship had a major impact on Media Commons practices, particularly in the development of the “Scholarly Storytelling” workshop, co-taught with library staff to explain storytelling and how narrative devices can be employed to deliver engaging and well-researched presentations. Ellysa also developed and delivered additional workshops to faculty and staff, designed to help integrate projects into curriculum to build digital literacy competencies across the University.
The Fellowship was a wonderful experience! I believe the Fellowship had a significant impact on my promotion and tenure process.
The Team
Chris Millet – Project Lead
Hannah Inzko
Kim Winck
Focus Area
Student Engagement
Theme: Digital Literacy