e-Portfolios and Engaged Scholarship

Chris Long

Associate Professor of English and Science, Technology and Society
College of the Liberal Arts

Stuart Selber Headshot


Stuart Selber, associate professor of English and science, technology, and society examined the changing nature of instruction sets in online environments, including “web 2.0” environments such as wikis, online user forums, and others as a 2009 Faculty Fellow. He researched and developed a rhetoric for online/electronic instruction sets which can be applied by teachers of technical writing and by instructional designers responsible for documentation, a framework largely lacking in many current technical writing textbooks.

During the 2010-11 academic year, Selber and Michael Faris, graduate teaching assistant, have piloted the use of the iPad tablet computer in English 202C Technical Writing.

The Team

Erin Long – Project Lead
Elizabeth Pyatt
Mary Janzen



Focus Area

Student Engagement
Theme: Web 2.0