Our Mission:
To innovate with technologies that transform teaching and learning in positive and enduring ways
Our Why:
Our How:

Organize ourselves to be successful:
Comprise multiple teams working together, cross-functionally; leverage the unique expertise of individuals and our teams, and recognize when we’re better together.

Strategize around what we know matters:
Align our work to the strategic goals of the University; monitor important trends; remain steadfastly focused on our Whys and our Hows.

Collaborate with our faculty partners, partners in administrative units, vendor partners, consortium partners, and with other groups and units that support teaching and learning.

Put pedagogy before technology and people before pedagogy. Pursue what is impactful, scalable, and affordable. Follow a research-to-practice cycle, starting small and continuously exploring and improving.

Embrace effective habits of mind and work:
Aspire to excellence (not perfection); be proactive (not reactive); choose solutions for long-term impact (not simply for short-term gains); work toward access and inclusion in all that we do.
Our Leadership:
Learning Design
Explore the Learning Design Team services and connect with us at TLTLearningDesign@psu.edu.
Creative Learning Initiatives
Talk with Us
Have a great idea? Get in touch with us! We can help you identify the right technologies to meet your pedagogical needs, or develop something completely new.